Documents relating to 1941 Bohr-Heisenberg meeting | ||
Document 8. Page 1 of 1. |
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Handwritten notes. First and last few words, as well as some words overwritten for clarification, in Margrethe Bohr's handwriting (<>); the remainder in Niels Bohr's handwriting. Undated. "(1)-(2)" is in Aage Bohr's handwriting; it may mean that the passage at the end of document 9 should be inserted here. Last page of Document 7 may be the continuation. One page. |
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<Foranlediget af meget indtrængende Spørgsmaal har jeg imidlertid undret mig over fra hvilken> officiel politimæssig Side Tilladelse var givet til at tale til mig om et Spørgsmaal der omgaves med saa stor Hemmelighedsfuldhed og rummede saa store Farer. (1)–(2) Langt senere da Krigen havde taget saa forskelligt et Forløb fra det Du og Weizsäcker denne [gang] udtrykte saa stærk Overbevisning om kom jo Jensen [ved] sommertid[?] igennem København, kort førend min Flugt, og talte til mig [om] Bestræbelser paa at forøge tungt Vands Fremstillingen i Norge og kom i denne Forbindelse med Antydning af at de tyske Fysikere kun tænkte paa almindelig teknisk Energiudvikling. Ogsaa paa dette Tidspunkt var jeg meget <tilbageholdende> i mine Udtalelser, dels paa Baggrund af de stadig stærkere fra tysk side stammende Rygter om nye Vaaben, dels paa Grund af den meget farlige Stilling hvor jeg selv befandt mig som Følge af den stadige <Udspionering> fra Gestapos Side og Følelsen af en snarlig Arres<tation fra> hvilken jeg dog <undslap i sidste Øjeblik. Problemet er derfor for mig> |
<Prompted by very urgent questions, I have, however, wondered from which> official police agency permission was given to talk to me about a question which was surrounded by such great secrecy and held such great dangers. (1)–(2) Much later, when the war had taken such a different course from that which you and Weizsäcker expressed such strong conviction about at that [time], Jensen came through Copenhagen [in] the summer[?] shortly before my escape and talked to me [about] efforts to increase the production of heavy water in Norway and hinted in this connection that the German physicists were only considering general technical energy generation. At this time I was also very <cautious> with my statements, partly on the basis of the ever stronger rumours stemming from Germany about new weapons, partly because of the very dangerous situation in which I found myself as a consequence of constant <surveillance> on the part of the Gestapo and the feeling of imminent arrest from which, however, I <escaped at the last moment. Thus, the problem for me is> |