Documents relating to 1941 Bohr-Heisenberg meeting | ||
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Draft of letter from Bohr to Heisenberg, never sent. In the handwriting of Niels Bohr's assistant, Aage Petersen. Undated, but written after the first publication, in 1957, of the Danish translation of Robert Jungk, Heller als Tausend Sonnen, the first edition of Jungk's book to contain Heisenberg's letter. Three numbered pages. |
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havde arrangeret symposiet i det tyske Institut, hvori jeg af principmæssige grunde ikke selv deltog, og besøget hos os for at forsikre jer om at vi ikke led overlast og prøve på enhver måde at hjælpe os i vor farlige situation. Dette brev er jo for så vidt kun mellem os, men på grund af det røre, som bogen allerede har vakt i danske aviser, har jeg ment det rigtigt i fortrolighed at meddele brevets indhold til direktøren for det danske udenrigsministerium og ambassadør Duckwitz. |
had arranged the symposium at the German Institute, in which I did not take part myself as a matter of principle, and the visit to us in order to assure yourselves that we suffered no harm and to try in every way to help us in our dangerous situation. This letter is essentially just between the two of us, but because of the stir the book has already caused in Danish newspapers, I have thought it appropriate to relate the contents of the letter in confidence to the head of the Danish Foreign Office and to Ambassador Duckwitz. |