Rasmussen, Ebbe (1901-1959) | Niels Bohr Archive
Name: Rasmussen, Ebbe (1901-1959)
Historical Note: Born in Odense, Denmark. Cand. Mag. Copenhagen U., 1926 (phys., chem., math., astron.). University Gold Medal, 1928, Dr. phil., 1932 Studied with Fr. Paschen in Berlin 1933. Scientific Ass., Phys. Lab., Polyteknisk Læreanstalt, 1926-28, NBI 1928-42; phys. "Radium Station", 1924-34. Prof. phys. Royal Vet. & Agr. College Copenhagen 1942-56, Copenhagen U., 1956-59. Sec Danish Society for the Dissemination of Natural Science 1939-53, Mem. Danish Atomic Energy Comm., 1956. Main area of research: spectroscopy. Published, apart from many scientific treatises, textbooks and popular books (fx. Atomer og andre Smaating (with Møller), 1938 - English translation, The World and the Atom, 1940).
Note Author: Pors, Felicity