Rozental, Stefan (1903-1994) | Niels Bohr Archive
Name: Rozental, Stefan (1903-1994)
Historical Note: Born in Lodz, Poland. Stayed with his family in Denmark during WW I and attended Schneekloths School. Dr phil., Cracow U. 1928. Studied u. Heisenberg in Leipzig 1929-34. Theoretical-physical Inst., Cracow (1934-38). From 1938 at Copenhagen Inst. for Physics (now Niels Bohr Institute), apart from 1943-1945 when he was in Sweden. For many years Rozental was Niels Bohr's assistant, accompanied Bohr on many journeys and gained great insight on Bohr's efforts to promote international scientific cooperation, in which he also participated. Mem. CERN theoretical study group, Copenhagen, 1952-57, asso. dir. 1954. Vicepres. IUPAP exec. comm. 1966-72; asso. prof. NORDITA 1957-72, mem. bd. 1957-58. Died in Copenhagen.
Note Author: Pors, Felicity