Collection Overview
Title: Niels Bohr Scientific Correspondence, 1903-1962

ID: 01/01/001
Primary Creator: Bohr, Niels (1885-1962)
Extent: 29.0 Boxes
Arrangement: Alphabetically arranged, then chronologically for each correspondent. The Finding Aid has been imported from a database intended for internal use by the staff of the Niels Bohr Archive. We will be grateful to receive reports on any errors that it may contain.
Subjects: Bethe, Hans Albrecht, Blackett, Patrick Maynard Stuart, Bloch, Felix, Bohr, Harald, Born, Max, Christiansen, Christian, Coster, Dirk, Curie, Marie, Cuthbertson, C., Darwin, Charles Galton, Davis, B., Debye, Peter, Delbrück, Max, Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice, Duane, W., Ehrenfest, Paul, Einstein, Albert, Elsasser, Walter Maurice, Epstein, Poul Sophus, Fajans, Kasimir, Fermi, Enrico, Fokker, Adriaan Daniel, Fowler, A., Fowler, Ralph Howard, Franck, James, Frisch, Otto Robert, Gamow, George, Garbasso, A., Geiger, Hans Wilhelm, Haas, A., Hansen, Hans Marius, Hansen, Hans Peter Erhard, Hartree, Douglas Rayner, Heisenberg, Werner, Henderson, G.H., Henriques, Valdemar, Herzfeld, K.F., Hume-Rothery, W., Høffding, Harald, Jacobsen, Jacob Christian Georg, Jette, Eric Randolph, Joliot-Curie, Irène, Jordan, Pascual, Kalckar, Fritz, Kemble, Edwin Crawford, Klein, Oskar, Knudsen, Martin, Kohlrausch, Friedrich, Konen, H., Kossel, W., Kramers, Hendrik Anthony (Hans), Kronig, Ralph de Laer, Kudar, J., Ladenburg, Rudolf Walter, Lamb, W.E., Landé, Alfred, Langmuir, Irving, Larmor, Joseph, Lassen, Niels Ove, Lauritsen, Tom, Livens, G.H., Lorentz, Hendrik Anton, Marsden, Ernest, McLaren, S.B., McLennan, J.C., Meyerhof, Otto, Michelson, Albert Abraham, Miers, Henry Alexander, Moseley, Henry Gwyn Jeffreys, Mott, Nevill Francis, Nagaoka, H., Oseen, Carl Wilhelm, Pauli, Wolfgang, Peierls, Rudolf Ernst, Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig, Platzman, Robert, Rasmussen, Ebbe, Reinganum, M., Richardson, Owen Willans, Rosenfeld, Léon, Rosseland, Svein, Rubin, Edgar, Rubinowicz, Adalbert Wojciech, Rutherford, Ernest, Saha, M., Schrödinger, Erwin, Schwarzschild, Karl, Slater, John Clarke, Sommerfeld, Arnold, Stern, Otto, Teller, Edward, Traubenberg, H.R., Trumpy, Bjørn, Waerden, Bartel Leendert van der, Warburg, Emil Gabriel, Weber, Sophus Th. Holst, Weisskopf, Victor Frederick, Wheeler, John Archibald, Williams, Evan James
Languages: Danish, English, German, French, Swedish
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Over six thousand letters, which include drafts, fair copies and carbons of Bohr's replies. The correspondence covers the development of quantum and nuclear physics. Correspondents include: Hans Albrecht Bethe, Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett, Felix Bloch, Harald Bohr, Max Born, Christian Christiansen, Dirk Coster, Marie Curie, C. Cuthbertson, Charles Galton Darwin, B. Davis, P. Debye, Max Delbrück, Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac, W. Duane, Paul Ehrenfest, Albert Einstein, W.M. Elsasser, Poul Sophus Epstein, K. Fajans, Enrico Fermi, Adriaan Daniel Fokker, A. Fowler, Ralph Howard Fowler, James Franck, Otto Robert Frisch, George Gamow, A. Garbasso, Hans Wilhelm Geiger, A. Haas, Hans Marius Hansen, Hans Peter Erhard Hansen, Douglas Rayner Hartree, Werner Heisenberg, G.H. Henderson, Valdemar Henriques, K.F. Herzfeld, George De Hevesy, W. Hume-Rothery, Harald Høffding, Jacob Christian Georg Jacobsen, Eric Randolph Jette, Irene Joliot-Curie, Pascual Jordan, Fritz Kalckar, Edwin Crawford Kemble, Oskar Klein, Martin Hans Christian Knudsen, F. Kohlrausch, H. Konen, W. Kossel, Hendrik (Hans) Anton Kramers, Ralph De Laer Kronig, J. Kudar, Rudolf Walter Ladenburg, W.E. Lamb, Alfred Landé, Irving Langmuir, J. Larmor, Niels Ove Lassen, Tom Lauritsen, Hendrik Anton Lorentz, G.H. Livens, S.B. McLaren, J.C. McLennan, Ernest Marsden, Otto Meyerhof, Albert Abraham Michelson, Henry Alexander Miers, Henry Gwyn Jeffreys Moseley, Nevill Francis Mott, H. Nagaoka, Carl Wilhelm Oseen, Wolfgang Pauli, Rudolf Ernst Peierls, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck, R. Platzman, Ebbe Rasmussen, M. Reinganum, Owen Willans Richardson, Léon Rosenfeld, Svein Rosseland, E. Rubin, Adalbert Wojciech Rubinowicz, Ernest Rutherford, M. Saha, E. Schrödinger, K. Schwarzschild, John Clarke Slater, Arnold Sommerfeld, J. Stark, Otto Stern, Edward Teller, H.R. Traubenberg, B. Trumpy, Bartel Leendert Van Der Waerden, E.G. Warburg, Sophus Th Holst Weber, Victor Frederik Weisskopf, John Archibald Wheeler, Evan James Williams.
Biographical Note
Born on 7 October 1885 to Christian Bohr, physiologist at the University of Copenhagen, and his wife Ellen, née Adler, Bohr completed his university education at his father's university in 1911. That year he went to England, where he worked under the direction of Ernest Rutherford at the University of Manchester. Rutherford and his collaborators had recently determined experimentally that the atom has a small but heavy nucleus at its center with negative electrons circling around it at relatively considerable distances. Realizing that such a system could not be explained by means of classical physics, Bohr proposed his revolutionary quantum model of the atom in 1913. It was also in this period, on 1 August 1912, that Bohr married Margrethe, née Nørlund, who was to become his most important companion and counsellor throughout his life. In 1916 he was appointed professor at the University of Copenhagen, and in 1921 the University's Institute for Theoretical Physics was inaugurated under Bohr's leadership. The following year Bohr was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics for his work on the atomic model. In the 1920s Bohr's institute served as a world center in the continuing development of quantum physics, and it was here that what was later termed the "Copenhagen Interpretation" of the new quantum physics was formulated in the late 1920s on the basis of Bohr's concept of complementarity. In the 1930s Bohr was one of the first physicists in Europe to turn theoretical and experimental work at his institute to nuclear physics, which now became the most exciting field in physics. Just before the war, Bohr played a major role in explaining the process of fission, and having been forced to flee his country in October 1943, he joined the Manhattan Project to develop the atomic bomb. At the same time, he started a personal mission for an "open world", seeking to convince Prime Minister Churchill and President Roosevelt in personal interviews of the necessity to share the secret of the atomic bomb with the Soviet Union in order not to lose the confidence of the war ally and thus avoid a nuclear arms race after the war. Unsuccessful in this venture, Bohr continued his mission for an "open world" after the war until the end of his life, publishing his "Open Letter to the United Nations" in 1950 and employing his honorary residence, where he and his family had moved in 1932, as a meeting place for statesmen and physicists alike. During the same period, Bohr was central in developing scientific institutions both in Denmark and internationally. When he died on 18 November 1962, he was revered all over the world as one of the greatest scientists and humanists of the century.
Subject/Index Terms
Bethe, Hans Albrecht
Blackett, Patrick Maynard Stuart
Bloch, Felix
Bohr, Harald
Born, Max
Christiansen, Christian
Coster, Dirk
Curie, Marie
Cuthbertson, C.
Darwin, Charles Galton
Davis, B.
Debye, Peter
Delbrück, Max
Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice
Duane, W.
Ehrenfest, Paul
Einstein, Albert
Elsasser, Walter Maurice
Epstein, Poul Sophus
Fajans, Kasimir
Fermi, Enrico
Fokker, Adriaan Daniel
Fowler, A.
Fowler, Ralph Howard
Franck, James
Frisch, Otto Robert
Gamow, George
Garbasso, A.
Geiger, Hans Wilhelm
Haas, A.
Hansen, Hans Marius
Hansen, Hans Peter Erhard
Hartree, Douglas Rayner
Heisenberg, Werner
Henderson, G.H.
Henriques, Valdemar
Herzfeld, K.F.
Hume-Rothery, W.
Høffding, Harald
Jacobsen, Jacob Christian Georg
Jette, Eric Randolph
Joliot-Curie, Irène
Jordan, Pascual
Kalckar, Fritz
Kemble, Edwin Crawford
Klein, Oskar
Knudsen, Martin
Kohlrausch, Friedrich
Konen, H.
Kossel, W.
Kramers, Hendrik Anthony (Hans)
Kronig, Ralph de Laer
Kudar, J.
Ladenburg, Rudolf Walter
Lamb, W.E.
Landé, Alfred
Langmuir, Irving
Larmor, Joseph
Lassen, Niels Ove
Lauritsen, Tom
Livens, G.H.
Lorentz, Hendrik Anton
Marsden, Ernest
McLaren, S.B.
McLennan, J.C.
Meyerhof, Otto
Michelson, Albert Abraham
Miers, Henry Alexander
Moseley, Henry Gwyn Jeffreys
Mott, Nevill Francis
Nagaoka, H.
Oseen, Carl Wilhelm
Pauli, Wolfgang
Peierls, Rudolf Ernst
Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig
Platzman, Robert
Rasmussen, Ebbe
Reinganum, M.
Richardson, Owen Willans
Rosenfeld, Léon
Rosseland, Svein
Rubin, Edgar
Rubinowicz, Adalbert Wojciech
Rutherford, Ernest
Saha, M.
Schrödinger, Erwin
Schwarzschild, Karl
Slater, John Clarke
Sommerfeld, Arnold
Stern, Otto
Teller, Edward
Traubenberg, H.R.
Trumpy, Bjørn
Waerden, Bartel Leendert van der
Warburg, Emil Gabriel
Weber, Sophus Th. Holst
Weisskopf, Victor Frederick
Wheeler, John Archibald
Williams, Evan James
Administrative Information
Niels Bohr Archive
Related Materials:
Processing Information:
Card index. Item listings. PC database.
Other Note:
As of 15th September 2016 we are in the process of adding digitized versions of the letters, which will appear as they are entered. The project is supported by the Lundbeck Foundation and is scheduled to be completed in May 2018.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Folder:
Folder 1: Abraham, Max],
Folder 2: Adams, Edwin Plimpton],
Folder 3: Alfven, Hannes],
Folder 4: Allen, Herbert Stanley],
Folder 5: Amaldi, Edoardo],
Folder 6: Andrade, Edward Neville Da Costa],
Folder 7: Arley, Niels],
Folder 8: Arrhenius, Svante August],
Folder 9: Aston, Francis William],
Folder 10: Auer von Welsbach, Karl],
Folder 11: Auger, Pierre],
Folder 12: Auren, T.E.],
Folder 13: Baedeker, Karl],
Folder 14: Baker, J.B.],
Folder 15: Barres, J. William],
Folder 16: Becker, R.],
Folder 17: Bedreag, C.G.],
Folder 18: Bell, Herbert],
Folder 19: Benedicks, Carl],
Folder 20: Berlème, Aage],
Folder 21: Berliner, Arnold],
Folder 22: Bethe, Hans Albrecht],
Folder 23: Bhabha, Homi Jehangir],
Folder 24: Białobrzeski, Czesław],
Folder 25: Biggs, H.F.],
Folder 26: Birge, Raymond Thayer],
Folder 27: Birtwistle, George B.],
Folder 28: Bjerge, Torkild],
Folder 29: Bjerknes, Vilhelm Frimann Koren],
Folder 30: Bjerrum, Niels],
Folder 31: Blackett, Patrick Maynard Stuart],
Folder 32: Bloch, Felix],
Folder 33: Bøggild, Jørgen],
Folder 34: Bopp, Fritz],
Folder 35: Born, Max],
Folder 36: Bothe, Walther William],
Folder 37: Bragg, William Henry],
Folder 38: Bragg, William Lawrence],
Folder 39: Breit, Gregory],
Folder 40: Brillouin, Leon Nicolas],
Folder 41: Brønsted, Johannes Nicolaus],
Folder 42: Broglie, Louis de],
Folder 43: Broglie, Maurice de],
Folder 44: Burgers, Johannes Martinus],
Folder 45: Carroll, J.A. Wallace],
Folder 46: Casimir, Hendrik Brugt Gerhard],
Folder 47: Chadwick, James],
Folder 48: Chang, T.S.],
Folder 49: Christiansen, Christian],
Folder 50: Christiansen, J.A.],
Folder 51: Cockcroft, John Douglas],
Folder 52: Colby, Walter Francis],
Folder 53: Compton, Arthur Holly],
Folder 54: Condon, Edward Uhler],
Folder 55: Coster, Dirk],
Folder 56: Courant, Richard],
Folder 57: Crowther, J.G.],
Folder 58: Curie, Marie],
Folder 59: Cuthbertson, Clive],
Folder 60: Darwin, Charles Galton],
Folder 61: Davis, Bergen],
Folder 62: Davisson, Clinton Joseph],
Folder 63: Debye, Peter],
Folder 64: Delbruck, Max],
Folder 65: Dennis, L.M.],
Folder 66: Dennison, David Mathias],
Folder 67: Deodhar, Ganash Bhaskar],
Folder 68: Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice],
Folder 69: Dolejsek, Vaclav],
Folder 70: Donnan, Frederik George],
Folder 71: Duane, William],
Folder 72: Dumond, Jesse William Monroe],
Folder 73: Edlen, Bengt],
Folder 74: Ehrenfest, Paul],
Folder 75: Ehrenfest, Paul, Jr.],
Folder 76: Ehrenhaft, Felix],
Folder 77: Einstein, Albert],
Folder 78: Ellis, Charles Drummond],
Folder 79: Elsasser, Walter Maurice],
Folder 80: Epstein, Poul Sophus],
Folder 81: Euler, Hans Von],
Folder 82: Evans, Evan Jenkin],
Folder 83: Eve, Arthur Stewart],
Folder 84: Fajans, Kasimir],
Folder 85: Faxen, Hilding],
Folder 86: Fermi, Enrico],
Folder 87: Fock, Vladimir],
Folder 88: Fokker, Adriaan Daniel],
Folder 89: Foote, Paul Darwin],
Folder 90: Foster, John Stuart],
Folder 91: Fowler, Alfred],
Folder 92: Fowler, Ralph Howard],
Folder 93: Francis, R.F. Howard],
Folder 94: Franck, James],
Folder 95: Frank, Philipp],
Folder 96: Frenkel, Yakov Ilyich],
Folder 97: Fricke, Hugo],
Folder 98: Frisch, Otto Robert],
Folder 99: Fues, Erwin],
Folder 100: Fukuda, Mitsuharu],
Folder 101: Gamow, George],
Folder 102: Garbasso, Antonio],
Folder 103: Geiger, Hans Wilhelm],
[Folder 104: Geitler, Josef Ritter Von],
Folder 105: Gerlach, Walther],
Folder 106: Gerthsen, Christian],
Folder 107: Glaser, Ludwig C.],
Folder 108: Goldschmidt, Victor Moritz],
Folder 109: Goucher, Frederick S.],
Folder 110: Goudsmit, Samuel Abraham],
Folder 111: Grotrian, Walter],
Folder 112: Haar, Dirk ter],
Folder 113: Haas, Arthur],
Folder 114: Hahn, Otto],
Folder 115: Halban, Hans von],
Folder 116: Hansen, Hans Marius],
Folder 117: Harrison, George Russell],
Folder 118: Hartree, Douglas Rayner],
Folder 119: Hassé, H. Ronald],
Folder 120: Heisenberg, Werner],
Folder 121: Heitler, Walter],
Folder 122: Hemsalech, Gustave Adolphe],
Folder 123: Henderson, George Hugh],
Folder 124: Henri, V. Hugh],
Folder 125: Henriques, Valdemar],
Folder 126: Hertz, Gustav Ludvig],
Folder 127: Hertz, Paul],
Folder 128: Hertzsprung, Ejnar],
Folder 129: Herzfeld, Karl Ferdinand],
Folder 130: Hevesy, George de],
Folder 131: Hilbert, David],
Folder 132: Hill, David L.],
Folder 133: Hippel, Arthur von],
Folder 134: Høffding, Harald],
Folder 135: Hoffmann, Fr.],
Folder 136: Holst, Helge],
Folder 137: Holtsmark, Johan Peter],
Folder 138: Hopf, Ludvig],
Folder 139: Hori, Takeo],
Folder 140: Horton, Frank],
Folder 141: Houston, William Vermillion],
Folder 142: Houtermans, Fritz],
Folder 143: Hoyt, Frank Clark],
Folder 144: Hughes, Arthur Llewelyn],
Folder 145: Hulthen, Erik],
Folder 146: Hulthen, Lamek],
Folder 147: Hume-Rothery, William],
Folder 148: Hund, Friedrich],
Folder 149: Hyllerås, Egil Andersen],
Folder 150: Iwanenko, Dmitrij Dmitrievic],
Folder 151: Jacobsen, Jacob Christian Georg],
Folder 152: Jeans, James Hopwood],
Folder 153: Jensen, Johannes Hans D.],
Folder 154: Jette, Eric Randolph],
Folder 155: Joffe, Abram Feodorovich],
Folder 156: Johannsen, F.R.],
Folder 157: Joliot-Curie, Irène],
Folder 158: Jordan, Pascual],
Folder 159: Kalckar, Fritz],
Folder 160: Kalckar, Herman],
Folder 161: Kapitza, Peter],
Folder 162: Kaufmann, Walter],
Folder 163: Kayser, Heinrich Gustav Johannes],
Folder 164: Keesom, W.H. Gustav Johannes],
Folder 165: Kellner, Georg W. Johannes],
Folder 166: Kemble, Edwin Crawford],
Folder 167: Kemmer, Nicholas],
Folder 168: Kennard, Earle Hesse],
Folder 169: Kimura, Kenjiro],
Folder 170: King, Arthur Scott],
Folder 171: Klein, Oskar],
Folder 172: Knauer, Friedrich W.K.B.],
Folder 173: Knudsen, Martin Hans Christian],
Folder 174: Kohlrausch, F.],
Folder 175: Konen, Heinrich],
Folder 176: Kopfermann, Hans],
Folder 177: Kossel, Walther],
Folder 178: Kovarik, Alois Francis],
Folder 179: Kramers, Hendrik Anthony (Hans)],
Folder 180: Kronig, Ralph de Laer],
Folder 181: Kudar, Johann],
Folder 182: Kuhn, Werner],
Folder 183: Ladenburg, Rudolf Walter],
Folder 184: Lamb, Willis Eugene],
Folder 185: Landau, Lev Davidovich],
Folder 186: Lande, Alfred],
Folder 187: Langmuir, Irving],
Folder 188: Larmor, Joseph],
Folder 189: Laue, Max von],
Folder 190: Lauritsen, Charles Christian],
Folder 191: Lauritsen, Tom],
Folder 192: Lawrence, Ernest Orlando],
Folder 193: Lederer, E.L.],
Folder 194: Lennard-Jones, John Edward],
Folder 195: Lenz, Wilhelm],
Folder 196: Lewis, Gilbert Newton],
Folder 197: Lewis, William C.M.C.C.],
Folder 198: Lindelöf, Ernst Leonard],
Folder 199: Lindhard, Jens],
Folder 200: Lindsay, Robert Bruce],
Folder 201: Livens, G.H. Bruce],
Folder 202: Loomis, Alfred Lee],
Folder 203: Lorentz, Hendrik Anton],
Folder 204: Luders, Gerhard],
Folder 205: Lyman, Theodore],
Folder 206: Macleod, Andries],
Folder 207: Makower, Walter],
Folder 208: Manneback, Charles],
Folder 209: Marke, Axel W.],
Folder 210: Marsden, Ernest],
Folder 211: McLaren, Samuel Bruce],
Folder 212: McLennan, John Cunningham],
Folder 213: Meggers, William Frederick],
Folder 214: Meitner, Lise],
Folder 215: Mercier, Andre P.H.],
Folder 216: Meyer, Edgar],
Folder 217: Meyer, Kirstine],
Folder 218: Meyer, Stefan],
Folder 219: Meyerhof, Otto],
Folder 220: Michelson, Albert Abraham],
Folder 221: Mie, Gustav],
Folder 222: Miers, Henry Alexander],
Folder 223: Millikan, Robert Andrew],
Folder 224: Milne, Edward Arthur],
Folder 225: Minkowski, R. Arthur],
Folder 226: Møller, Christian],
Folder 227: Moon, Philip Burton],
Folder 228: Moseley, Henry Gwyn Jeffreys],
Folder 229: Mott, Nevill Francis],
Folder 230: Mrozowski, Stanislaw],
Folder 231: Nagaoka, Hantaro],
Folder 232: Neumann, Johann von],
Folder 233: Nielsen, Jens Rud],
Folder 234: Niessen, Karl Frederick],
Folder 235: Nishina, Yoshio],
Folder 236: Nissen, Knud Aage],
Folder 237: Nørlund, Niels Erik],
Folder 238: Nordheim, Lothar Wolfgang],
Folder 239: Nordström, Gunnar],
Folder 240: Ohlon, S.E.],
Folder 241: Oldenberg, Otto],
Folder 242: Oliphant, Marcus Laurence],
Folder 243: Olsen, Holger W.],
Folder 244: Onnes, Heike Kamerlingh],
Folder 245: Oppenheimer, J. Robert],
Folder 246: Ornstein, Leonard Salomon],
Folder 247: Oseen, Carl Wilhelm],
Folder 248: Owen, Edwin Augustine],
Folder 249: Owens, Robert Bowle],
Folder 250: Pais, Abraham],
Folder 251: Paneth, Friedrich Adolf],
Folder 252: Park, David Allen],
Folder 253: Paschen, Friedrich],
Folder 254: Pauli, Wolfgang],
Folder 255: Pauling, Linus Wolfgang],
Folder 256: Peierls, Rudolf Ernst],
Folder 257: Perrin, Francis H.J.S.],
Folder 258: Perrin, Jean Baptiste],
Folder 259: Perrin, Michael W.],
Folder 260: Pihl, Mogens],
Folder 261: Placzek, Georg P.],
Folder 262: Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig],
Folder 263: Platzman, Robert],
Folder 264: Plessett, Milton Spinoza],
Folder 265: Powell, Cecil Frank],
Folder 266: Proca, Alexandre],
Folder 267: Prytz, P. Kristian],
Folder 268: Rabi, Isidor Isaac],
Folder 269: Raman, Chandrasekhara Venkata],
Folder 270: Ramsauer, Carl Wilhelm],
Folder 271: Ramsey, William Henderson],
Folder 272: Rasetti, Franco Dino],
Folder 273: Rasmussen, Ebbe],
Folder 274: Rasmussen, R.E.H.],
Folder 275: Ray, Bidhu Bhusan],
Folder 276: Reeks, Margaret],
Folder 277: Reiche, Fritz],
Folder 278: Reinganum, Maximilian],
Folder 279: Riabouchinsky, Dimitri],
Folder 280: Richards, Theodore William],
Folder 281: Richardson, Owen Willans],
Folder 282: Rosbaud, Paul],
Folder 283: Rosenblum, Salomon],
Folder 284: Rosenfeld, Leon],
Folder 285: Rosseland, Svein],
Folder 286: Rozental, Stefan],
Folder 287: Rozhdestwensky, Dimitri],
Folder 288: Rubin, Edgar],
Folder 289: Rubinowicz, Adalbert Wojciech],
Folder 290: Rudorf, George],
Folder 291: Runge, Carl David Tolme],
Folder 292: Russell, Bertrand Arthur William],
Folder 293: Russell, Henry Norris],
Folder 294: Rutherford, Ernest],
Folder 295: Sæland, S.],
Folder 296: Saha, Megh Nad],
Folder 297: Salis, Von],
Folder 298: Saunders, Frederick Albert],
Folder 299: Sauter, Fritz],
Folder 300: Schaefer, Clemens],
Folder 301: Scheel, Karl],
Folder 302: Scherrer, Paul],
Folder 303: Schneider, Erich],
Folder 304: Schrodinger, Erwin],
Folder 305: Schroeter, Jens Frederik],
Folder 306: Schwarzschild, Karl],
Folder 307: Scott, A.],
Folder 308: Seeliger, Rudolf],
Folder 309: Seemann, H.],
Folder 310: Segrè, Emilio Gino],
Folder 311: Senftleben, Hermann A.],
Folder 312: Shoemaker, David Powell],
Folder 313: Sidgwick, Neville Vincent],
Folder 314: Siegbahn, Manne Karl Georg],
Folder 315: Silberstein, Ludwik],
Folder 316: Simons, Lennart],
Folder 317: Slater, John Clarke],
Folder 318: Smekal, Adolf],
Folder 319: Smith, Stanley],
Folder 320: Sneddon, I.N.],
Folder 321: Snethlage, A.],
Folder 322: Soddy, Frederick],
Folder 323: Sørensen, Søren Peter Lauritz],
Folder 324: Solomon, Jacques],
Folder 325: Sommerfeld, Arnold],
Folder 326: Stark, Johannes],
Folder 327: Stern, Otto],
Folder 328: Stewart, G.W.],
Folder 329: Stocker, H.],
Folder 330: Størmer, Frederik Carl Mülertz],
Folder 331: Strauss, Martin David Herrmann],
Folder 332: Strömgren, Bengt],
Folder 333: Strömgren, Elis],
Folder 334: Stueckelberg, Ernst Carl Gerlach],
Folder 335: Sugiura, Yoshikazu],
Folder 336: Szilard, Leo],
Folder 337: Takamine, Toshio],
Folder 338: Tamm, Igor Evgenievich],
Folder 339: Tangen, Roald],
Folder 340: Tank, F.],
Folder 341: Teller, Edward],
Folder 342: Thibaud, Jean],
Folder 343: Thirring, Hans],
Folder 344: Thomas, Llewellyn Hilleth],
Folder 345: Thomson, George Paget],
Folder 346: Thomson, Joseph John],
Folder 347: Tolman, Richard Chace],
Folder 348: Tonks, L. Chace],
Folder 349: Traubenberg, Heinrich Rausch von],
Folder 350: Trumpy, Bjørn],
Folder 351: Tschulanowsky, W.],
Folder 352: Tunstall, N.],
Folder 353: Turner, Louis Alexander],
Folder 354: Udden, Anton D.],
Folder 355: Urey, Harold Clayton],
Folder 356: Urk, A.T.H. van],
Folder 357: Veblen, Oswald],
Folder 358: Vegard, Lars],
Folder 359: Vleck, John Hasbrouck van],
Folder 360: Voghera, Guido],
Folder 361: Waerden, Bartel Leendert van der],
Folder 362: Waller, Ivar],
Folder 363: Warburg, Emil Gabriel],
Folder 364: Weber, Sophus Th. Holst-],
Folder 365: Weigert, Fritz],
Folder 366: Weiss, Joseph J.],
Folder 367: Weisskopf, Victor Frederick],
Folder 368: Weizsäcker, Carl-Friedrich von],
Folder 369: Wereide, Thorstein],
Folder 370: Wergeland, Harald Nicolai],
Folder 371: Werner, Sven],
Folder 372: Wertheimer, Eduard],
Folder 373: West, J.],
Folder 374: Wheeler, John Archibald],
Folder 375: Whiddington, R.],
Folder 376: Wick, Gian Carlo],
Folder 377: Williams, Evan James],
Folder 378: Williams, William Ewart],
Folder 379: Wilson, William],
Folder 380: Wood, Robert Williams],
Folder 381: Wrede, E.],
Folder 382: Žáček, August],
Folder 383: Zeeman, Pieter],
Folder 384: Zernike, Frits],